Sunday 3 January 2016

Is my knowledge enough for a web design business?

I have no formal training in any department of website creation besides design (have a minor in Communication Design), but I have been coding websites one way or another since 1999. And I'm wondering if my knowledge is enough to make a business out of this, or at least a side job?

I feel I have the knowledge to help people make their websites, but I'm also afraid of getting in too deep and being unable to deliver to somebody who is paying me a significant amount of money when they ask for something I can do.

As for my skills... I taught myself how to use HTML, CSS, and use FTP. And though I don't know any other programming language, I know how to install and modify Wordpress themes. I recently began delving back into Wordpress with my new domain and I am experimenting with themes like Divi from Elegant Themes and Ultra from Themify... basically utilizing the visual/drag and drop stuff to modify things, and then small bits of CSS here and there.

But is this enough? Can I feasibly take on clients with this amount of knowledge? If so, how do I prevent myself from getting in "too deep" and accidentally ruining somebody's project?

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted January 03, 2016 at 04:57PM by growlybeast

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