Friday 1 April 2016

I made an April Fools prank for people that don't want Windows 10

Feel free to use it in US. I'm Aussie and wanted to make sure you didn't crash my site while I used it at work. I don't know how big (or small) it can handle. Cheap hosting...

Anyway. About to go to bed last night, and I thought: OMG IT'S APRIL FOOLS TOMORROW! One of the receptionists at work despises even the thought of Windows 10. And her PC came close to doing the automatic update. So I came in early and left it on her PC, turned the monitor back off and waited. I left as she found it, and somehow exited (I think with the chimes bar or something, edge detection most likely (Win 8)). But I got another receptionist who I got on film and it was great! Sent it to some friends and they said they all had a good laugh over it.

So enjoy, my design brothers!

PS: Of course there's always a way to do it with less code, or a different way... It was 3AM when I made it, I'm not a pro at this, it's more of a hobby. Please don't burn me for using JQuery and tonnes of setTimeouts...

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted April 01, 2016 at 08:46AM by Eldeeff

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