Friday 2 December 2016

Hey guys! Just wanted to share a new subreddit I built for design work! /r/DesignWork

I usually go to /r/logorequests and /r/forhire for design work but recently logorequests seems to be filling up with flamers and forhire is too vague. So I thought I would build a new one! There are ZERO people using it right now but I am hoping it can gain some traction. I am currently training to become a full stack web developer so I plan on building a website to accompany the subreddit and give a little more functionality to what the subreddit COULD be. If you guys have any overflow jobs or are a client looking to post head over there and try it out! I've set up a filtering system and once I get some designers showing up the verification system as well.

I know this may be considered advertising but I'm not really benefiting by sharing this I just want to let everyone know of a new platform coming up! :)

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 02, 2016 at 09:55PM by Kyle772

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