Thursday 1 December 2016

NOOB apologies, What do I need to do to learn lettering like the Diablo load screen, pic in text

I am not sure of the proper terminology even.

I'm taking a break from some music creation and teaching myself how to do lettering / design / that stuff. ju8st for fun. I'm retired, i have set income, there's more to life than playing video games and watching porn.

I'm going to repost the picture above with red circles because I need red circles...

What do you call the filligrees (?) and designs around the lettering.

What program (digital) would you use to create stuff like that.

Please point me to the right sub if this one is the wrong one.

I'm retired, I've always wanted to learn to draw, and I've always liked lettering, fonts, and "doodles' if that makes sense.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 02, 2016 at 04:42AM by I_AM_A_SPORK

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