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100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter)
Hi! I need to make a personal logo for a class and i need to use the letters B and F, any tips on making this logo?
Another happy customer. Honestly one of the best feelings I've ever experienced.
I was just wondering as I hope to self publish a book someday. For this one book, I would maybe like the book cover to look like an album cover and have the protagonist's name on it. Thanks to all who reply.
Here's a few example of the style of poster I'm asking about.
Now, I'm assuming you need to know how to draw/paint to make these, and I'm not a complete stranger to that. But what is the actual technique used. Are these nowadays done completely digitally or is it better to actually paint/airbrush them. How well do actual painting skills transfer to digital? Does this style have a name? Are there tutorials?
I guess my main question is: If I want to start learning this, what do I actually start learning?
/r/politicaldesign opens up its arms to all!
Share what you're working on at work, for a client, or on your own. Top comments must have an image or link to the work in progress
I am currently graduating and it seems that you fit my target group perfectly. Could I ask for less than 3 minutes of your time to complete my survey? It would help me out a lot. You are able to change survey language in the top of your screen to English. Completing the survey gives you a shot at winning a Koekwaus beerpackage.
Many thanks in advance!
I think it's a trend, since I see it more and more, but can anyone tell me the name of the glitchy, x and + camera like aesthetic, it plays in this video the first 15 seconds
Hello all, I am looking to quantify how much my project is worth to my organization, and want to get some input from you all. I did look at the sub rules, and I don't believe this contradicts any of them.
My situation is this:
I work in a large, global company as a technical writer. We have a new portfolio of connected equipment and software we are producing, and we were in the need for a pre-implementation package for the customer. When a customer purchases the software, there is a bit of work the customer needs to complete before we can go out and implement. I proposed and created an web-hosted interactive PDF in InDesign and an interactive workbook in Excel. I really just want to know how much my work was worth to convey the savings to stakeholders. It's against our ethical standards to request a quote from our approved vendors if we have no intention of actually utilizing them, so that's out of the question. Below are specs for my project. I am looking to see how much this would cost at an average rate design firm.
Interactive PDF
Excel Workbook
All-in-all, I probably spent about 70 hours between the two assets including back and forths for reviews. I'm happy to answer any other questions if I left key details out.
What if showers had a timer on their wall displaying how long you have showered for that session? I think that could conserve a lot of water and save a lot of energy.
I wouldn't tell people how long they should shower or turn the shower off after a set time. That way, people would just feel like they're babysitted and 'what if I just take longer? What If I take five minutes longer? Huh? What now?' Or some would be outraged that their god-given Freedom is taken away. (*) With just seeing the time, people would start feeling bad for taking a long time (whatever they think that is) or would develop an intrinsic motivation to achieve a self-set goal. Maybe some would even try to compete with others for the lowest time and try to see how low of a time they can get away with, while still getting clean. I think that would be a cool idea.
I always go back and forth on whether or not to start my own design agency. I’ve always had a full time job (with some freelance gigs here and there) and the health benefits and consistent paycheck keep my feet on the dock... never quite having the guts to jump in the water.
Not to mention two kids and a house to pay for hahaha! I recently listened to a podcast and the guest talked about his journey going from full time to joining forces and forming an agency with great success. If your interested here’s an iTunes link:
All this to say! Tips? Advice? Anyone else have the same fear? Any other podcasts or books you’d recommend on this topic that might encourage me one way or another? (Note: luckily I do love my full time job... but something inside is always burning for the “other” self-started thing)
Thanks reddit design peeps and keep making cool stuff!
Is it worth it ? Any other sites that provide the same thing for less/better ?