I'm curious if there is a consensus on how to express aspirational design. By this I mean design that's intended to motivate change by way of promoting positives rather than criticizing negatives.
A good example of this can be seen in the film "No": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApJUk_6hN-s
In the film it shows how the opposition political party wanted to vote out the authoritarian Pinochet government. But rather than speaking to negatives they spoke to the possibility of positives.
Is there a "pattern language" in graphic or webdesign that speaks to this? I have my own observations but I'm curious about other peoples. As an example if you look at religious websites like scientology, mormons, jehovah's witnesses, they all tend to have a very clean look.
They all seem to have:
- white color palette
- blue color accents
- photos with daylight photography
Great design resource
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter)
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