Trying to tweak my GIF using Photoshop because of the file size controls and I am hitting the 500 frame limit. I've been doing some research on this and the confirmed work around of stitching multiple 500 frame files into Photoshop is not working. My first stitch worked, once (950+ frames) but after that Photoshop just craps out. I can't even get it to repeat the 950 frame results I just mentioned. I just get "Could not complete operation, an unknown error has occurred."
The next method I tried was to:
- Spit out my 500 frame sections from AE as animated GIFs. (This satisfies my 500 frame limit)
- Open GIFs in Photoshop for a GIF export, so as to tweak the file size. I am trying to stay under a 50MB total limit so I figured I would export my GIFS out of Photoshop for a combined total that is less than 50MB. Using my calculator my new GIFs all add up to about 48MB (under my limit, cool!)
- I take these files and stitch them together in AE.
My final render from AE of the animated GIF comes out to like 150+ MB or something absurd. AE's GIF controls are pretty crappy, I was hoping that the GIFs that I fine tuned for my stitched render would produce something close to the total of their parents. How is this render tripling in size when I only used small files and nothing else?
Does anyone have any proven solutions for my problem? I want to work with a long animated GIF, I don't care that it isn't proper form. All of the proven solutions I found are back form 2016 or later.
Thanks in advance!
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