I recently ended a project and it has me reflecting on how I could have done better, and more importantly what side project I will do now!
In my last company we definitely faced issues where design and engineering/business folks weren't collaborating or communicating and it really hurt the overall quality of our output.
Because of that experience, I'd like to do some writing, thinking, interviewing, and general creating on the intersection of businesses and design, focusing on the special nightmare/magic that happens when you match loose and intangible design processes with hard and immutable business facts.
I don't want to complain or make adversarial statements about business vs. design or engineering vs. design. Rather, I'd like to highlight stories where business and design people did something awesome, taking equal values from each discipline.
Obviously I want to feature unique stories. I would also prefer featuring smaller organization, and individuals, as there is a special challenge that comes with doing a design project when you don't have a big reputation to back you up.
Anyhow, end of setup... My question is, can you think of cool projects where designers or other creatives worked successfully with non-creative partners? Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
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100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter)
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