Monday 28 January 2019

Profession/Semi-Professional Design Management Software?

Greetings Reddit!

My partner and I have a design business that's relatively new as a unit (though we've both been designing and working with clients for 15+ years). About a year or so ago, I started using And Co for invoicing, payment, time tracking, etc. and ended up using it with the business venture. I did enjoy some of the features (especially for a free service), but as they are moving to a PRO model and now only allowing ONE active client at a time, I don't want to pay for a service where I feel the features are lacking. I've looked into 17hats and Zoho Invoice, but not completely sold on them. Any suggestions for a lower cost option (willing to pay if the features are there)?

Features we're looking for:

  • *Invoicing (customizable line items, reoccurring payments)
  • Online Payments
  • *Auto send files once an invoice is paid
  • Time Tracking
  • Project management/Client Contact info
  • Some sort of bookkeeping/expenses function
  • Contracts, Estimates are a bonus!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted January 28, 2019 at 10:04PM by Iamroyalb

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