Thursday 14 July 2016


We’re brand geeks

I have a confession to make. For years, we’ve been slightly obsessed with finding the perfect logo for Stageme. Any startup blog will tell you it doesn’t matter (and they’re right). But for us brand geeks, we wanted a brand that could represent our vision and cut through in a highly competitive space. We knew there was a cool logo out there for us – we just had to be patient.

Enter Miguel Vega

The hunt spanned 3+ years, as many designers and about 1,000 doodles. But good things and great designers come to those who wait. Enter Miguel Vega. Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Miguel started his company, Accent Creative after years on the agency circuit, to focus on art direction and design for multiple mediums. His passion for music-based projects led him from album covers (arguably some of the coolest artwork on the planet) to live stage show visuals for some of the biggest music electronic music festivals after the record industry took a dive following the rise of the MP3.

“Artists don’t wanna spend money on album art, so now it’s live shows and the graphics behind them is the album cover for me, so that’s what I’m doing. I’m following the same path, it’s just a different medium.” – Miguel Vega, Accent Creative

The brief

We wanted an iconic mark that could be a canvas for creativity (inspired by old-school MTV), something that represented a stage and if possible an S. Miguel nailed the concept on the second design.

We got really lucky finding Miguel. His skillset and experience on other brands perfectly matched what we were looking for – branding, print, clothing design and motion graphics. We flew from Mexico to San Diego to meet in person and put the final touches on the logo side by side (an exciting moment captured below).

Find Miguel

Check out his amazing showreel below and link up with him on Instagram. Also a big shout-out to one of our Cast Members, Soh Tetris Tanaka for the introduction!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 14, 2016 at 09:14PM by VincentVitale

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