Friday 1 July 2016

How to deal with a cheap client?

Hey guys, so i'm currently in a situation with my brothers father in law. He owns a kitchen remodeling company raking over $1m a year minimum. Recently, he learned that I run a digital marketing business and asked for a website. Long story short I was guilt tripped by my brother to do a full responsive website, SEO, and new logo for $2000, a package I would normally charge at least $3500. Normally I wouldn't have a problem doing this for family, but this guy is known for being cheap and screwing people out of money. Now, after explaining how I would require a deposit and then final payment BEFORE the site goes live, he wants to spread the $2000 into 3 months of payments. What would you do in this situation? I personally believe the amount of work im doing for him FAR exceeds what im getting paid for, and now I will have to wait 3 months and deal with the possibility that he will skip out on payments?

How do I get him to understand the value of what he is receiving/ get him to pay the full balance before the site goes live?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 01, 2016 at 10:03AM by Landoranosaur

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