I'm at wit's end. My supervisor has no knowledge of printed publication. That's fine, that's why I'm on the team. I am responsible for laying out a quarterly employee engagement magazine. I have a graphic design degree, I have 10 years experience. I am happy to answer questions and try to guide their decisions in the right direction, but we have had the conversation about why justified columns is standard, and why we never make the inside cover "page 1".
I don't expect the rest of the team to know all the nuances and rules, but the fact I have to provide examples over and over. This is the fourth or fifth time I've had to show books and magazines (they're easy to round up, it's all of them) for the same goddamn conversation.
Today was the last straw however, they wanted to grab a clipart image off of Google Image search to put on our cover. They could not understand how absolutely unprofessional it was to just throw random clip art on the cover of our publication.
Is there any type of Print for Dummies or AP Style Cliffs Notes that would help me out with these seemingly universal truths? They don't need to know all the rules, but I'm tired of them arguing with me.
Great design resource
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