Monday 12 September 2016

Advice request: Are these activities part of a 'Design' career path?

I am 30 years old, with an unsatisfying work history of mainly administrative jobs that have paid the bills, but which I don't excel at.

I've never really found myself a driven 'arch-creative', but I do enjoy art and can pick out and analyse good design around me.

On a couple of occasions recently I've found myself creating documents and quite enjoying the process. I re-developed a form at work to make it clearer, more logical and harder to screw-up.

I created some cheat-sheets for a role-playing group, and although it took far too much time, it was rewarding to condense the required information in a clear manner.

I am frequently frustrated by websites that are set out in an obtuse manner, and it seems that whenever I take an online survey I end up leaving feedback on the design choices.

And for a recent (unsuccessful) interview, I had to create a PowerPoint presentation for the first time in years. Once I'd got the hang of the programme, I ended up spending more time than I should have on creating a minimal-text slideshow, rather than memorising the points.

I've heard about the career path of 'User-interface' design, but I also wonder about the simpler side, of the creation and editing of documents.

So my question: In a large organisation, who does this work? What're the job titles I should be looking for?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 12, 2016 at 11:27PM by Thats_a_lot

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