Friday 16 September 2016

The More I see It, The More I Hate It

Whenever I am working on a project, it always feels like the more I see my design the more I hate it. Not anything in particular, just the colours I was initially excited about don't excite me, the neat little flair doesn't seem neat. I come back to it later and it might look fine again but after staring at it for hours I just start to hate everything.

The question is, if any of you experience this, is it actually a problem with the design or do people just get overly critical after looking at something for a long time?

lol I don't really have an example, this happens with almost everything I work on. There are a few projects that I just really love and today they look awesome, which makes me fear the rest are just actually bad and it's my continued looking at them that are showing me all the flaws that I was neglecting in the beginning.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 17, 2016 at 12:11AM by teamcoltra

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