Sunday 11 September 2016

TIFU! Sold client on a biz card concept that I don't know how to make happen.

Hey guys, I’m a graphic designer who just picked up a smoke shop as a client (place that sells pipes, joint papers, etc). First project they’ve asked me to complete is a business card design. I’ve sold them on the idea of cards with perforated joint filters (can see an example of the concept here, #26 on the list but quickly realized that I’m not sure how to actually make this happen. I’ve asked the local print shops around here and none of them can do it, nor could they offer any advice on how to get it done. Is this something I need to go to a specialty shop for or am I just out of luck here? If anyone can either recommend a print shop that can handle this or has some other solution, I’d be forever indebted to you! I got these guys really excited on the idea and am now panicking because I don’t know how to make it a reality! Hoping I didn’t shoot myself in the foot here. Help a sister out!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 11, 2016 at 05:23AM by kebalg

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