Great design resource
100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter)
What have you found to be the best way to see if a resemblance of a logo you've designed already exists? I generally do a reverse image search, and a search of key terms, but it often times ineffective. Is there a better tool for this that I am not aware of?
I'm looking for some insight on what a possible employer/leader might look for in a professional portfolio.
If you got the time, please contact me. It is only a few questions, so it shouldn't take too long.
The font is called MoolBoran and it is distributed with Windows.
What are general rules regarding font copyrights?
Where can I find a replacement?
Hello r/design!
I am a 3rd year design student currently taking a class on UXDesign.
As preparation for our semester project we are learning how to conduct user research, and I could use all the help I can get finding people to fill out my survey on Cultural Discovery. If you are feeling generous, please find the survey here. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes of your time and would help me out a great deal. Thank you!
I was thinking along the lines of The Happiness Machine. You write a positive SMS and the machine prints out a little slip of paper with the message on.
There was also another project where light bulbs were linked to hashtags and every time someone tweeted using the hashtag, the lightbulb went off.
Sorry for the vague examples and question but any projects remotely similar would help a lot.
Thanks :)
Hi, I am Professional Designer I have 5 Year Experience in Logo Design, Brochure Design, Flyer Design, Poster Design etc in Just 5$. Feel Free For Contact Me Thank You. I will design professional brochure and flyer
I have recently started doing design full time. As a designer you spend alot of time in front of a computer. And i had a few people show their concern, regarding the long term health risk. I have decided to get at height adjustable table, so i can stand while working. I thought of getting one of does rollermouse, but im not sure how well it would work while doing design work. What mouse do you use? And what do you do to take care of your health at your workdesk
I don't know if it is just me or not but a lot of my icons on my site are hosted on Fontastic and it looks like it is down. Has anyone heard anything about this? It is slowing down my site loading with trying to load in the elements but isn't connecting
I recently Submitted a design for a Homecoming shirt to a competition a college was having. My Friend attends the College, i do not. He suggested I submit a design and so i did. i eventually got an email saying i won. When i tried to contact them back i was unable to get a response. They have already printed the shirt designs and are already selling them at the book store. What can i do?
Pit bull dog funny Tee Shirt
I hope I don't speak for just myself when I say my Thunderbolt Display is hands down the best monitor I've used. Knowing Apple has essentially discontinued the line, what monitors would you all recommend?
Nothing quite beats the color quality I get on my Thunderbolt, so I'm hesitant to find a replacement.