Tuesday 25 October 2016

Looking for some software suggestions

I'm not a proper designer by any means, but I figured you guys would know the tools out there.

I have an idea for a personal project, which would effectively be a bunch of of vector diagrams laid out in multi-page format, as for a book. It'd be virtually text-free, so I'd really prefer not to use a word processor and the tinpot vector editors typically baked in.

Something like Inkscape (or my old love, coreldraw) with a multi-page mode would be almost perfect; managing all the pages as separate documents would be a huge pain.

An extra bonus feature would be some kind of Visio-like shape library allowing easy reuse of objects, especially if there were some kind of master/slave relationship defined, allowing me to edit an object's template and have all instances in the document update automatically.

Is there anything remotely suitable out there?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted October 26, 2016 at 05:29AM by TheBananaKing http://ift.tt/2ePdeLH

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