Tuesday 25 October 2016

Trying to figure out my path

This summer I got offered a design internship at a reputable company and because of my performance I've got offered a job there. It was the only internship I applied for and I'm sure I could get others. I have been freelancing for some well known clients for around 4 years. At this new job I art directed a large project for one of the big three tech companies and they were very happy with it. My problem is that I'm only in second year university and feel like I'm wasting my time. The school work is in a related but separate field and I feel like I'm never going to use this information. It's very discouraging having three years ahead of me when I have a career path lined up. I wouldn't drop out because I'm worried about hitting a ceiling in a company later on without my degree when moving up. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight into how I could hasten my education or any alternative to spending 3 hard years for a piece of paper. Or just any advice in general. Independant studies? Equivalent credits? Thanks so much

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted October 25, 2016 at 09:46PM by banksied http://ift.tt/2eOqPmG

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