I can't find anything on the internet that describes my exact situation, so I thought I would just put it out there and see how others in the community feel.
I am 28, have been designer in the industry about 6+ years, not including uni. I initially loved it and as a junior would do everything that my bosses would tell me.
But over the past year I've come to view myself as an artist as well, and I cannot for the life of me concile those two identities. I have even quit my design job, and have tried freelancing, but I can't shake the feeling of "please stop telling me what to do, or what to copy, or to rip off this thing or that thing".
Throughout my career I've come to realize that the entire time, I've been treated as a tool and a means to making money.—without ever being fully able to create something meaningful, beautiful, and have it as is. As a freelancer, I've noticed that people will come and laud how good my design is, and they love my style. But when I create something for them, they instantly need it to be like this, or like that.
That's not to say that I'm anti-critique. I just can't stand being treated like this anymore. Am I being ridiculous? Is it just business? I respect people who can do it, but I guess I can't anymore. I guess I am just not cut out for this, blame it on ego or being a dramatic art kid, but I think I'd be happier creating art as a hobby.
I can't stand being told what to do when it comes to being creative, anyone else feel the same?
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