Tuesday 8 January 2019

[ Update and Thank You! ]

I posted here over a year ago asking for advice on design education and I just wanted to update the community and thank everybody here because I got some really thoughtful responses that pushed me in exactly the right direction.

Link to original post

Everyone said to go with the certificate and I agreed. I dropped to part time at my sales job and went through a 3 month long “Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Production” certificate program through Emory University’s Continuing Education Program. I took classes from professors in a computer lab on graphic design history, theory, culture, and Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. I liked the accountability and social interaction of the classroom setting. I started in October and got my certificate in January. It cost me $3127.

All the while getting my certificate I was at home making pieces for my portfolio by doing creative briefs with anyone that would let me and doing work for my portfolio. Some people really ended up using stuff I made them for fliers, logos, T-shirt’s, etc. I was having fun the whole time and felt like I was on the right path.

When I felt like I had a beefy / diverse enough portfolio for someone who’s applying for entry level design work, I applied for jobs through LinkedIn and Indeed. In 2 weeks I got called for a paid internship with a consulting startup that was completely remote, started immediately last, and expected 15hrs/wk for 2 months. The work was boring and corporate but I took it cause I figured I could do it for extra cash, experience, and portfolio fodder, while still keeping my full time sales job.

I kept applying for design jobs. 2 weeks after accepting the internship, I got called for a “Graphic Design and Production Associate” position at an independent sign shop. Perfect fit for me except there were zero benefits, but I took it. I put in my 2 weeks at my sales job while finishing the first month of my internship and getting $500.

I started at the sign shop at $14/hr no benefits and OFFICIALLY LEFT MY SOUL CRUSHING SALES JOB!!!! I ended the internship after another month, got $500 more.

I worked at the sign shop all spring and summer during which time I was given a few raises/promotions up to $17.50/hr and the title Design and Production Lead. I managed a team of 4. All design, production, and installation went through me... For $17.50/hr with no benefits. I figured I got my feet wet enough and so I updated my portfolio and started looking for work with less responsibility + more pay and benefits.

I applied selectively and eventually got called by an ad agency. I was offered the role of “Production Artist” where I do 1 job, and get paid $35,000 + greeeaaattttt benefits. I started December 10th!

I’m SO fucking happy I made this happen for myself. I got the education, I did the work, and now I’m reaping the reward.

I just want to say THANK YOU again for the encouragement I got here.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted January 09, 2019 at 12:21AM by JunkInTheTrunk http://bit.ly/2FgKrQG

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