Thursday 27 July 2017

How do you deal with a client who complains Wordpress is too difficult?

I'm relatively new to web design, and have only been doing websites commercially for the last year. I've been using Wordpress as a CMS, as I find it the easiest for clients to use and it also affords flexibility and is cost effective. It is also rigid enough that I can set a site up so the client can cause minimal damage, In contrast to WIX were the client generally butchers the site as soon as you hand it over.

Recently had a client complain Wordpress is too difficult and has too many problems, after theyve been using the site I built for a good part of the year.

Now it seems they are wanting us to rebuild the site in Adobe Business Catalyst. Honestly I'm at the tipping point, and I don't know how to proceed. I feel like I've failed to design a functional wordpress site, even though I thought I'd built it quite fool proof.

My question is how should I proceed, should I just offer to do another sit down with them and try to explain how Wordpress works again or should I just agree to rebuild the site in Adobe BC which I have no experience in?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted July 27, 2017 at 06:22AM by the_humbling_river

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