Wednesday 30 August 2017

An interesting yet common problem in UX for older folks

I've run into it a few times, from a few people, but they're always from our parents' generation. Here's the problem.

Be me. I'm 50+ years old. I know what a folder is. I know what a file is. I know how to double click. I know how to move things. But sometimes, when I want to save or share something, I can't open my folders and files or move them or rename them or delete them. Why is it broken suddenly??

Exhibit A: none of my folders work anymore!

Problem: User tries moving, double clicking, renaming, etc etc, and does not understand what is happening when folders do not respond the same as when in a finder window.

Scenario 2: How did all of these photos get on my facebook? I don't want my photos on there. I understand that people can see my photos, so how do I delete it off of facebook??

I have no image for this one, but the situation is User clicks on 'add photo' to a facebook comment, is taken to camera roll/gallery on phone. The UI displayed is within facebook app. User thinks all these photos are on facebook. Does not realize they're in phone gallery.

It's one of those problems that's so weird, you never think to design for it. I feel like it's a no brainer, but time and time again, I've run into that problem. People don't know that certain files or folders are task specific. They think you can always do the same things whenever they see them, no matter what.

Are we doing it right? What are the alternatives? What do you think?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:00AM by sachio222

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