Thursday 31 August 2017

Looking for career advice and help from long term graphic designers that have a family and have a house

I just finished school and got my B.A. in graphic design. I want to make graphic design my career for the next 15 - 20 or maybe even more years. I love design especially when it comes to layout and typography and I also have some experience with coding too like CSS and HTML. I actually coded my portfolio website from scratch. If I were to move out of the graphic design field it would be for either a UI/UX designer role or Art Director. What I'm worried about is if I can make a decent living, have a family and kids and someday pay mortgages for a house too working full time as an in house graphic designer not a freelancer. I know people say you don't do design to get rich, but I don't believe that a single bit. You go to design school for years, get a degree that you spent thousand of dollars on for something that you don't want to make a good living with. I don't believe it. I was wondering if it's possible to eventually work my way up as an in house graphic designer in a couple of years make a decent living like around 60 - 70K salary a year as a graphic designer? I know right now starting as an entry level designer I'm probably going to make $15 - $20 an hour or $30K a year and I'm okay with that as long as I can work my way up to a decent salary in the future. Also I live in L.A. currently so salaries should be higher then other places.

As a designer I would say that I'm decent, but still a beginner and have a lot to learn.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 01, 2017 at 02:41AM by theartsygamer89

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