Wednesday 30 August 2017

What should I expect when I hire a designer and what kind of designer am I looking for?

Okay so here's the dealio, I'm a crocheter and want to redesign the patterns for my crocheted creations. I've been doing all the designs and page layouts myself the past 5 or so years, and I don't think they're too bad, just a bit too busy, so I think it's finally time I get some actual professional help with them. The problem is I have no idea what I'm looking for...

• What kind of position am I looking for? It would mostly be page layout and designs within that, so I know they'd have to know InDesign and likely some subtle Photoshop and Illustrator. What would that position be called?

• Where do I look for someone? Free-lance is what I'm most likely looking for I think.

• How much should I be expected to pay? I was thinking a flat rate for the initial design of the patterns and then a per project rate afterwards since after the initial design it will mostly be just plugging in the different information and photos depending on the pattern. I don't have an insane amount of money though so I'm not sure how much to expect.

• How do I pay them? Through Paypal or Venmo or something? Or do I send them a check? The business as of now is just me so I'm not sure how else to do it.

Any information would definitely be helpful, and if you know anyone who fits this description or where I should go to to look for someone (subreddit or website) I would appreciate it greatly!

Thank you! - Lou

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 30, 2017 at 11:05PM by Louiesloops

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