I'm having a problem. The idea/plan is to merge 3-4 or more applications/websites into one.
Similar to what Google has done, with it's services.
So far, the ideas me and my teammate/partner has are;
Here people can find resources like music, footage, pictures, etc. but also submit.
An application where people can browse through a public folder to download finished designs of stuff, but also manage their own folders with their own files and designs.
This idea is that we help people start up with a logo creator, website templates, etc.
- Interactive lessons/learning platform
Where people can learn in new interactive ways.
In most of these, could possibly all; people would need an account. Because some of them can in a way be used together well (at least in theory), an account for all of the applications would in my opinion be much better.
However, I don't have much of a clue of how to set this up/design this. Could be similar to what google has done.
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Submitted March 31, 2017 at 06:25PM by Al-Jamahiriya http://ift.tt/2oi5r1t