Thursday 28 September 2017

Basic layout skills to teach to non-designers?

Hi there, I was asked to talk to some architecture and design students to go over some basic layout skills for their brochures and the like.

I was going to cover laying out text and image on the page so as not to be too close to edges, word count per line, display versus body typefaces, laying out text in headings for flow, alignment (should usually be left aligned, justified only in special cases), a little bit on hierarchy, aligning text and images to columns/a grid, image quality and compression, serif versus sans serif and the "vibe" that gives your document (modern versus classic), quick note on type size (10-14pt for body copy usually), basic outline of what leading is and to stick to auto-leading for body copy, tighten for headings.

Anything I've forgotten? Any other points to cover, or do you have visual examples I could show of good versus bad layouts?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 28, 2017 at 12:50PM by Blue_Seas

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