Thursday 9 November 2017

Job interview next week: “Please supply us with a pdf or jpg, just one or two pages, of great design ideas”

I'm interviewing next week as an 'online graphic designer' with a travel website that packages travel deals and sells online (you know the type). I'm a digital designer myself.

For the interview they've asked the following:

”Prior to your interview, we would like you to prepare a creative concept for our Black Friday campaign, presented as a ‘Mood Board’ style document. Please don’t spend more than an hour on this, show us initial ideas and options. We don’t need finished work - this is a chance to show us your creativity and general design skills.

Our campaigns usually consist of several elements such as email newsletter, homepage banner, microsite, printed booklet, press adverts, out of home advertising. We’d like to see a few quick mock-ups’ of how your design could work in some of these environments.

We sure you’re familiar with the idea of Black Friday (special deals available for a limited time) please have a look at [THEIR WEBSITE] to see the type of product we sell.

Please supply us with a pdf or jpg, just one or two pages, of great design ideas.”

How do I deny this free work in a friendly way without jeopardising my chances?


Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted November 09, 2017 at 12:55PM by men-swear

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