Tuesday 5 December 2017

Currently studying design undergrad, want to get a masters but don't believe I have a large enough body of work. Please advise!

Hi everyone! I'm currently in my last year of undergrad. Just to give a bit of background of my design experience:

  • I've done a lot of digital art, pixel art, and photo editing, just on my own as a hobby.
  • Graphic design is probably one of my strongest skills but I am untrained, I have just learned from practice and studying on my own. I have worked for two startups doing graphic design at different levels. First startup was as an intern and I helped do a lot of in house work like branding and pitch deck creation. Second startup I was hired "as an intern" but I was the only designer and redid their entire branding and assets as well as create and design their marketing campaigns for email, social media, etc.
  • For two years in college I majored in UI/UX design and development. I did a lot of user experience research and user interface design, and I also know HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP. I would say that I'm equally strong in both design and development. HOWEVER...
  • This is my last year and I switched majors to my own custom degree, because I didn't want to be designing for screens. I will be focusing on product design, fashion design, interior design, and graphic design. I will still graduate this year, but the way this works out is that I won't get a lot of the intense studio courses, mainly the introductory ones. I will get some practical skills and some insight into the fields, but not nearly as much as if I had majored in them from the start.

So that's my educational background. Post-graduation I would love to work for a studio that has a focus somewhere in the realm of product/furniture design, interior design, or fashion, and where they fabricate their own work. Ideally I could be a design assistant and learn from a professional on how to design as well as make. That being said, I don't really know how to get there. Most of my coursework is focused on web/app design, and I don't have any other work of that much substance besides my rebranding efforts in my second internship. I feel like I am a fast learner and could be very successful if someone were to give me a chance, but it may (or may not?!) show from my portfolio.

So I was thinking about getting a masters... But this for me is the Catch-22. If I were to get a master's right now my choice would be to study product/furniture design. I have looked at some programs from Design Academy Eindhoven, RISD, Royal College of Art, The New School, Camberwell College of Arts, and a few more. I feel that I may not even qualify for a program because I don't have much product design or making experience.

I could be completely wrong but half of me feels that getting a master's could position me well, not only by having the degree but because of the deeper knowledge I'd gain through the program and of course all the work I'd make for my portfolio.

The other half of me thinks I need to first have work experience in order to qualify better for a top design master's program.

I know this is a lot and there probably isn't any right or wrong thing to do, but if you could offer any advice I'd be so grateful.

forgot to flair this post so I'm reposting

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 05, 2017 at 09:42PM by sushilover22 http://ift.tt/2zQ5154

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