Sunday 10 December 2017

Professional advice toward pure plagiarism.


To give a quick background I recently graduated from a industrial and interaction design program (undergrad). Today I came across a "friend" from the master's program who also recently graduated. We chatted, and he told me that he got a internship in NYC and he's heading that way.

Curious of me - I later looked at his portfolio and it contained a project of mine word for word, image for image on his website (claiming it as his own).

Shocked and mad, I've been asking various past faculty and my current boss about the actions that I can take. I was curious from reddit's point of view about different tools and actions I can take. Can I achieve his website with a date stamp of how it looks currently? (in case he takes it down) and what can I do to not ruin his life entirely.

Thank you.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 10, 2017 at 07:44PM by RandomlyBrowsingGuy

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