Thursday 7 December 2017

Representing a 3-dimensional object in a 1-dimensional (+ time)space?

Long story short I'm concepting a music video and the artist wants to represent a 3-dimensional object in a singular dimensional space(typically just a single point coordinate)--how would you do this?

Or if this helps you conceptualize, imagine you are trying to create a 2 dimensional object--a flat rectangle for instance--that evolves into a cube but we visualize it as only a single point as opposed to the rectangle if you follow?

Or, to delve even farther into an artistic space, take a 3 dimensional object that changes into a new congruency of said 3 dimensional object transformed over time (adding a dimension) but--for the sake of the question--the 3-dimensional object appears as only a rectangle before and after the transformation if you follow our line of thought.

I suppose the root of his question is how do you represent on video (2 spatial + time) the idea of a subject (3 dimensions) being recorded being compressed into a singular dimensional form (a single dimensional point) without having to animate that point thus turning it into 3 dimensions (2 spatial + time)?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted December 08, 2017 at 05:12AM by Trak5u17

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