Wednesday 13 June 2018

Favourite design based websites

I'm trying to expand my bookmarked websites that I gather inspiration and ideas from so that I always have a reliable and interesting feed to go through when I open my browser.

Being a Landscape Architecture student I expect that my scope may be somewhat limited when it comes to what I prefer to seek out with regards to design so I'm aiming to get some other peoples/practices take on what they find inspiring.

My current list of websites I have open when I start my browser in no order of preference.

  • (I find this website so fascinating with regards to older styles of design and Architecture/Landscape architecture)
  • (an amazing blog with something for every practice, with tonnes of style)
  • (continually updated; education, reviews, gallery openings, interviews, projects etc.)
  • (seeing new cover arts and new musical material to listen to while working is really beneficial to me)
  • (I just love fonts)
  • (again I find it so fascinating seeing older styles of design and the style in which they were rendered/imagined, so many cool ways of realising a concept that are lost in the new ways we are often taught and look up to)

Thats my list of things I like to look through at the start of a day/week. How about you

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted June 13, 2018 at 11:28AM by lets_roll_ol_ol

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