Sunday 16 September 2018

final year project ideas

after living in berlin working as a photographer /music producer and doing some design and video work on teh side , i decided to return back home to finish off my final year majoring in design for multimedia

as much as i was not anticipating to come back here i am, i have a bit of dilemma and i have some idea but not sure how i can execute it and was wondering if you guys could shed some light,

so basically i have to pitch an idea next week for my final year project which will be over the course of the next 2 semesters now till may 2019

i was thinking of doing something a long the lines of an audio visual project, taking video portraits of strangers and having them tell a meaningful story of their own with some composed music and motion graphic work i was also thinking of asking some strangers some of their secrets and then having those secrets being illustrated/designed on a book of some sort ?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 16, 2018 at 10:50PM by xteeza

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