Wednesday 4 May 2016

is there a point finishing my associates degree in graphic design? I have a bachelors in industrial design already.

Ok so before I got into the industrial design program I wanted out of high school, I studied graphic design for two years at a different college. I was on track to earn an associates degree in graphic design but then was finally accepted into the industrial design program I wanted.

I only want to be an industrial designer right now and I have almost no interest in graphic design. But if all I need to do is transfer some credits back to my old college to get a bonus degree will that give me any advantages down the road? will the additional assosiates degree help me out when I want to become a design director for example? could I expect better job prospects than I do now with only a year or so of experience as an industrial designer? Could this get me a raise or an edge over my peers in a more corporate environment? or will it make me more marketable to consultancies and contracting gigs?

Let me know what you think or if you have any stories from someone in a similar situation.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted May 04, 2016 at 09:56PM by TehFuckDoIKnow

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