Tuesday 17 May 2016

/r/Designers, what are your opinion of Chevy's newly redesigned models?

I've been having an argument with some business-oriented pals of mine about the newer redesigned Chevy models, such as the new Silverado, new Cruze, and new Malibu. The Silverado is just a facelift but the Cruze and Malibu were done from the ground up and I think they're more or less awful in every way from a pure design standpoint, leveraging their design on what's "hip and trendy" instead of a more timeless simple approach.

Just take a look at the new Malibu. Why on earth are there so many creases? That character line sloping down the side of the doors is entirely at odds with the strong horizontal lines and the upward swoosh just forward of the rear wheel.

And the new Cruze! What the hell is this? It's busier than Grand Central Station and took a reasonably nice three-box compact car and made it look like every potato-potato-potato wedge-shaped compact car with absolutely no rear visiblity!

Am I missing something? Why is this insanely overstyled baroque school of car design so popular? Chrysler and Ford have yet to release any ground-up restyled cars so we have yet to see if they'll jump on this bandwagon, but right now all of their cars have nice simple-ish designs with horizontal, strong character lines or one large line that highlights the shape of the car.

On a related note, I am constantly frustrated at how clean car designs are seen as "boring". Such as the 2005-2009 Ford Mustang which was a very clean design and then in 2010 it became this weird orgy of creases and lines, though still not as bad as the aforementioned Chevys. The Dodge Challenger is another design many see as "dated" or "boring" that I think is timeless in its simplicity.


Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted May 17, 2016 at 03:20PM by Tandyman100 http://ift.tt/201GtMS

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