Tuesday 13 June 2017

Commissioned artist stopped returning my contacts. Work is 80% done. What should I do?

I commissioned a "for fun" small piece of art from a professional illustrator who works digitally. She is well-regarded and is established in her field. We made it through the third draft of the work, and she basically dropped off the face of the planet for over six months. Every couple months I would send her an email, saying "Hey, are you OK? Haven't heard from you in forever. Where do we stand?" She finally replied to me about two months ago, saying "I am so sorry, this happened for X reasons, but I can't possibly charge you at this point, please accept the work for free." My response was "This was only ever for fun, I'm still happy to compensate you, but let's get it wrapped up so I'm out of your hair." The kick is, she never actually sent me the completed work, and now is not responding to me again.

I have all of our drafts, the last of which I rather like, but the work is still not complete. Our agreement was that she would deliver the final art both digitally and as an art print suitable for framing, and I have received neither. I think I have been exceedingly relaxed about this, seeing as we have a signed work agreement and we are now approaching a year of me hassling her to deliver the product, and I'm tired of nagging her.

Would another artist be willing to complete someone else's draft? If so, are there copyright ramifications? Or am I stuck with her?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted June 13, 2017 at 09:14PM by Porencephaly http://ift.tt/2s7W7wO

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