Wednesday 14 June 2017

Crash Course for designing with a non-profit organization

I am coming to you for help. I started fooling around with photoshop CS4 years ago and learned how to do basic things within the program, including editing photos and modifying images, creating 'designs' and dabbling on other types of projects. I have no educational experience with the Adobe Creative Softwares and while I am comfortable using them I'm taking on projects at my job that I feel I'm doing subpar job on because I really have little experience doing them, but neither do my other coworkers. I've just been given the responsibility of marketing because of this and it gives me a lot of anxiety because I don't know rules of design and I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the complex artistic elements I see in many post here. is our website and some of my work is on there. I'll be frank most of it is not great and I'm sure there is plenty of criticism to go around, which I am okay with I want to learn. My biggest focus has been consistency in everything we publish publicly. The organization has had a poor reputation in the past and has never had "branding" or a "brand" if you will. This is what I am trying to change. They do not have the money to hire an independent marketing firm to take this over and as stated I've been tasked given my comfortability with working on these throngs so far. Any help I can get in books to read, classes to take, Wacom Tablet a necessity? Even just videos to watch please send them my way. I am not trying to take anyone's job, I am just trying to increase the qualities of my product and our organization. Thanks for your help and time in reading this.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted June 14, 2017 at 11:35PM by anckentucky

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