Our company is MedBuddy. We currently make an all black epipen case and have had positive feedback and sales. We are looking to expand our line and create a "premium" model which will have more capacity and benefits and sell for $30-$40 MSRP.
Benefits we would like included:
- Temperature indicator (LCD or strip)
- Coldpacks sewn into the shell (or pockets)
- Professional, clean design
- Thermal and physical insulation
- Interior pockets for medications and emergency cards
- Attractive and functional case design
My question is this:
I don't feel I have a good concept that is fully fleshed out and has features that warrant the higher price point and make it stand out from the other cases in form factor.
I found a product designer on Upwork who has experience in the soft goods industry, but I want to make sure the product has a strong conceptual foundation before I start working with him.
I would like feedback on anything mentioned above, criticisms are welcome. I am grateful for any feedback, design suggestions, form factor, references, or resources.
link to current model:
link to concept sketches:
link to competitors:
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