Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Help with Epipen / Insulin Case Design

Our company is MedBuddy. We currently make an all black epipen case and have had positive feedback and sales. We are looking to expand our line and create a "premium" model which will have more capacity and benefits and sell for $30-$40 MSRP.

Benefits we would like included:

  • Temperature indicator (LCD or strip)
  • Coldpacks sewn into the shell (or pockets)
  • Professional, clean design
  • Thermal and physical insulation
  • Interior pockets for medications and emergency cards
  • Attractive and functional case design

My question is this:

I don't feel I have a good concept that is fully fleshed out and has features that warrant the higher price point and make it stand out from the other cases in form factor.

I found a product designer on Upwork who has experience in the soft goods industry, but I want to make sure the product has a strong conceptual foundation before I start working with him.

I would like feedback on anything mentioned above, criticisms are welcome. I am grateful for any feedback, design suggestions, form factor, references, or resources.

link to current model:

link to concept sketches:

link to competitors:


Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 12, 2017 at 11:19PM by Lumumba http://ift.tt/2f3EkEX

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