Sunday 2 September 2018

Advice for posting or not posting work to social media platforms.

I work with coffee at a hospital cafeteria and we had/have some pretty badly designed artwork to show which drip coffee is what coffee that may or may not have been given to us by the makers of the coffee brand. For fun and also after asking my supervisor if it would be okay, I redesigned the artworks to make them actually readable for the patients at the hospital. I’m guessing the answer is pretty clear that it’s a big no-no, but am I able to post images of the work done to, for example, my personal Instagram even though there was no authorization to recreate the work from the brand? If I can, how would I go about doing so without getting into legal trouble?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 02, 2018 at 07:45AM by croyalbird13

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