Wednesday, 12 September 2018


This sub might not be the place for this but I wanted to try and ask:

What sources do you use for inspiration before designing? Is there an artist whose work you stare at while designing, a specific type of music you listen to, different smells that you fill the room with, or old emotions you try to remember? What environment do you do your best work in and how do you try to recreate that environment in your work space?

The reason I ask is because, over the years, I've noticed that when I listen to certain types of music I feel more confident in creating posters and business cards that I feel emulate that genre of music; or whenever I want to make a design that's dark and brooding I'll turn on old emo music I would listen to as a kid, and try to remember the angsty emotions I had at 14.

I feel like my best work has been done this way and I was wondering if I was alone in this.

TL;DR Do you draw inspiration for your designs form emotions, music, other and other artwork? And if so what is your process?

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 12, 2018 at 02:13PM by codycantdie

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