Thursday 13 September 2018

Trying to get promoted to Sr. Designer

I’ve been working in the creative department at a startup for the last 4 years. I started a year out of school, and for a while was seen as the youngster of my team and not taken seriously, given a lot of low-level tasks.

Especially in the last year, I’ve gone to great lengths to prove that I’m a valuable member of my team. I’ve finally had the opportunity to lead projects, and oversee younger employees on certain projects. I believe I am already operating at a senior level.

Annual reviews are coming up and I have provided a self evaluation highlighting my successes in the past year, as well as some peer reviews. This is all standard at our company.

Unfortunately, I’m realizing that while I’ve spoken about it vaguely to my boss, I’ve never actually said “Boss, I want to be a senior designer.” So there’s probably no way that this review will lead to a promotion, right?

I guess I’m looking for advice on how to broach the subject during the meeting. I’m terribly shy, but I will do my best to be direct in this review.

I know it’s not good to compare your salary to other employees, but can I say:

“I am the only person in the entire marketing team nationwide that has not been promoted in 4 years at the company.”

“I can do absolutely everything that senior designers Tim, John, and Sue are doing.”

My only other alternative is to get another offer at another company, because apparently that works. Several of my coworkers have done this.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 13, 2018 at 02:51PM by Mayhemii

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