Saturday 3 June 2017

Dynamic Natural Architecture

I got my MA in Interior Design several years back. My final year was a nightmare in which my professors repeatedly threatened to fail me for, as best I can tell, personal reasons but I never really understood why. Several weeks ago, one of those same professors tagged me on Facebook and posted a link to this building with a caption that read something like "So happy we could help such forward thinking creative genius." The building isn't mine, but it's nearly identical to the building I designed for my thesis project.

It's clearly a case of synchronicity, but I can't help but be angry that I spent a year being mocked and threatened with failure while this building won first prize in an international competition. I have no doubt the other project was/is better, but it was accomplished with a team of architects while I worked alone as a student. And now the people who slowed me down every step of the way are trying to take some tangential credit for an idea I had to fight tooth and nail to keep alive.

I'm happy to see the ideas I fought for in 2010 are coming to fruition - that's the important thing. I just wish I'd had people around me who could have challenged me to be better.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted June 04, 2017 at 06:13AM by pijinglish

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