Sunday 2 September 2018

Advice on where to learn and develop design skills (would you recommend something like Lynda? Skillshare? Etc.?)

So, I am a 27 year old man and I would like to dive into the design world. I have a bachelor's degree in business, and a masters degree in Marketing so at this point, I'm looking for something more "complementary".

I'm already really into it, understanding and being amazed by the approach that views design as much more than "prettifying things"... I love the idea that design is a way of thinking and an approach to problem solving. I would say that my dream job is probably at a firm like IDEO.

I tend to think that not only grafic/interior/fashion-designers can claim that title, but I totally understand how those specific proffesions shape your mind in a way that enables you to look at problems in a different and "Design Thinky" way.. I get how you need to train that "Design Thinking Muscle" and how reading books about how great Design Thinking is won't cut it..

Do you have any advice on what alternatives do I have to get some usefull design education? I'm thinking about something oriented to graphic and UX/UI design..

I was thinking something like lynda or skillshare.. What do you think?

Relevant Comments:

1) I actually like my career, but I always struggled between Visual Design and business/marketing as my top choices.. I also think they're highly compatible and that's what I'm trying to figure out.

2) I did courses on Illustrator and Photoshop, so I KIND of know how to defend myself on both.. For example, I would really enjoy enrolling in a course on either one in order to practice and improve my software skills and my design criteria.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted September 03, 2018 at 07:02AM by Alejandroah

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