Wednesday 24 August 2016

Advice on designer status and situation.

What is a freelance designer considered legally? A man I interned with for three months said he would hire me after that time period. Now he wants to hire me as a contractor for 20hours 10/hour, yet 20 hours internship at the same time. Which is 5 hours a day. I wasn't happy with it but thought it's fine for the time being but separate the two in the contact because he wants an invoice based on my hours.

Now he doesn't trust me because I asked to separate the two roles in separate times of the day. Yet wants me to research on this to define what a contractor is for him and I. So I am not even sure if a freelancer is considered as a contractor legally? Should I even try to continue with this guy or stay with him. He won't hire me until I research on our contract and write it out with him.

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 24, 2016 at 09:25PM by coco_moonbabe

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