Thursday 25 August 2016

Ultimate Digital design Guide

To celebrate measuring over 500M gaze points across digital media, our team has put together an awesome guide on things we have seen that differentiate the top performing websites, digital videos, ads and other media from average.

  • A well-made digital ad creates 10x longer visual engagement
  • Slighting moving your CTA button can increase the number of people who see it by 2x and cut the time in half.
  • Optimizing the number of words in a paragraph of a website to how many people actually read drastically costs drop-out
  • If you sell things on eCommerce sites, creating imagery and text which earns 1 more second of engagement raises purchase 50-500%
  • Making people smile in your video doubles sharing and for brands increases actual purchase by 144% on average

(And many more awesome and crazy things you can do to optimize your success)

To all those digital optimizers out there, we salute you!

Read more here:

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 25, 2016 at 08:50PM by 3findthrow

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