Epic visual tool
Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector
Hey ya'll at /r/design, I'm crossposting over here from the Minnesota subreddit with something I thought one of you might be interested. Steele County in Southern MN is hosting a design contest to get rid of their atrocious current logo and replace it with something modern. If you're interested, here's the details on their facebook page:
Let me know if this is against the rules of this sub. I've got nothing to do with Steele county, but I appreciate good design and what they've got now is just garbage, so if one of you thinks they're up to the task, it'll likely make a real-world difference in the image of their county government!
In the world of IT, I get down on Hardware, Networking hardware, Photography hardware and Editing Software. But Web-Development... HTML, CSS, Javascript... I fail at it, like learning a language. Even now, I am sitting here at my computer looking at how to videos, online courses, Web-Dev for hire etc, I feel ashamed to say I am an IT Veteran and yet I dont know how to put together a basic web page.
My real Dilemna is that I was hired on to run this online business. The owner asked me to look into different IT situations for his other businesses. This dude, this dude is old school and a character... his equipment is very much outdated. He has had different Dodgy IT people come through his businesses in the last 14 years. He has had money stolen from him, he has had partners found guilty of some serious embezzelment, Dodgy employees who let his online stores go to Shite. I have helped with all that I can, without getting to deep into this. But his website is something that I just cannot help with and I am admitting it. I feel like this brings a unique challenge tho... No, I know it does.
He has had a few poeple fox with his website, and ultimately it is not a proper functioning website. Especially for mobile browsers. Mobile browser and shopping cart. Which, I know very little about.
I sit here with a download of Wordpress... and Im lost. I realise I would have to rummage around multiple Web-Developers mess of code. I dont know where to even begin to try and fix this Mess
The thing that sucks, is that I know its something in my brain that has not clicked... like a faint taste that you can barely put on the tip of your tougue. Im sure there is something that I am not getting and it will finally make sense.
The Website needs to be Mobile/tablet/desktop friendly, The links need to all work, the shopping cart needs to be fixed... On top of that, I am also the IT/Photography Manager for 2 of his other businesses. I would be happy to pay somebody to tutor me, or get the website mobile friendly. His business and my job rely on the income that could be generated from getting this website back to working order. Even a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
TL;DR Website for our business is shite, due to Dodgy people and an inability to keep with the times.
Help me REDDIT, Your my only hope Well, probably not. However I do appreciate your time.
I've been working on my new app for a few weeks, and I'm fairly sure i've gotten as far as I can without users to test with. Right now I am hosting on my personal site, but eventually I will get a domain and I can transfer all the user info fairly easy. So please go take the time to sign-up, as it is much appreciated. If I can help you or answer any questions feel free to PM me/comment below. BTW, the name Colllaborate is not a typo, it is just a temporary name while I think of another. The link is: http://ift.tt/1TmnFrj
I'll try and keep this brief. I am graduating this spring. Throughout this semester, I have been working as an intern at this communications firm. They are really nice company, and I've enjoyed it there. They do a lot of print work, especially during annual report season, but have been doing some website design/coding too. Just front-end coding, html, css, javascript. Right now they only have one designer that can do the coding part, though
They let me know that they like what I have done so far, and that they might be interested in hiring another full time designer, if they feel they are at the point where they can. They thing is, though, if they feel they can they said they want to know If I can really focus on teaching myself front end coding stuff. I am not entirely sure about this. I did minor in information systems, so it's not all brand new to me, but it wasn't my favorite thing in the world. The one guy there taught himself and, in my opinion, seems really overworked. I have also heard conflicting things about how much more marketable coding makes you as a designer.
I didn't say it at the time, but I already had accepted a UX/UI design internship for the summer at a very large and very legit company. I don't think that would really require any coding at all. They say it COULD come up but it just depends. The place is supposed to be a great place to work.
I'm not sure really what to do or how to figure it out. My professor told me that I should try to say to my current company that " I had accepted a UX/UI internship for the summer. I know you guys aren't sure if you want to hire someone full-time right now, but my summer internship would be somewhat related to what you wanted me to learn and expand into, maybe I can work on contract on the side for you during the summer while I am at the other place. When it's over, maybe you'll be in a better position to hire full time then?"
Does this sound like a reasonable thing to say? I'm super new to this and don't have many people to ask for advice. I also think I would like to move eventually and my professor said two internships would look better on my resume
This is a bi-weekly discussion, automatically posted at around 9:00 AM PST every 2 weeks on Friday.
Ask how a specific design is made in this weekly discussion. Top comments must have an image or link of the design included.
I'm by no means a professional designer although I am trying to get into it. Right now I'm having what I would describe as a "creative block". I'm having trouble coming up with designs or at least everything I'm coming up with is basically the same thing, any advice?
Hi , Im curious as to peoples opinions about using a tool like photoshop , illustrator or sketch vs designing in the browser . Normally I design in the browser but I have seen many people use these tools to design first. I know many people will say "its up to your preference" but my questions is really for those who did learn those tools, was it worth it? did anybody go out of their way to learn a design tool and think "No not worth it" or do you find it a lot easier etc.. Thanks!
I'm wondering the best way to combine good looking landing pages and content management/updates? For example, how To The Stars has a blog posts, best sellers, and a slideshow of latest releases. Or how Monstercat has latest releases and blog posts as well. Do the web developers have to update that content manually, or can those parts be populated via wordpress or another platform? What's the best way to do this? Thanks!
I have two web maps build with mapbox. They look horrible on the iPhone. Is there something I can add to the code to make the app mobile friendly?
Hi there,
I'm a student and got a side job at a small company to rework their website. Since this is my first job designing a Webpage they don't pressure me much but I got some quick questions.
Do you recommend a webdesign software?
Why - and what does it do?
Do I actually need some computing power for Webdesign?
My only experiences are two seminars in university so please bare with me.
I made this form for a project, but I want the inputs to be the same size as the captcha, like this. Im having difficulty doing this and was wondering if anyone here could lend a helping hand, thanks.
Here's the code: http://ift.tt/1MWxJ3G
I took out some identifying data but the width of the captcha is 304px.
I'm looking for some help coming up with a new color scheme.
I've been given tentative permission to change my company's existing color scheme. What we're using right now is a tetrad-based scheme that doesn't look very cohesive, not very modern (it was created in the mid-2000s), and kinda flat and muddy. (Also, I hate teal.) I could just tweak our existing colors manually to look nicer, but I don't think that would be very cohesive.
Unfortunately, color schemes are a big weakness of mine. I always marvel at all the amazing combinations people can pull off that look clean and modern, but whenever I try to come up with one from scratch, they just clash too much. I do try to use common methods like complementary, split complementary, analogous, triad, tetrad, etc., but that's pretty hit and miss for me. I use colourlovers.com all the time, as well as Paletton and Adobe Color.
We sell gifts and unusual/interesting stuff, and we try to convey fun, some goofiness, but also comfort and freshness. We do most of our business via our web site, but we will need to convert this to CMYK eventually for our print catalog.
The one thing that can't change at all (well, maybe a tiny bit) is our main color, which is found in our logo: #C41230.
I don't know if I should be going with opposing colors or keep everything on one side of the color wheel. If I stay with opposing colors, I'd like to have a cleaner/brighter green and orange, as well as a nice blue instead of teal. If I stay with one side of the color wheel, I unfortunately need to avoid purple (boss hates purple) and anything that's predominantly red/green due to Christmas. I also need the luminance to stay below 50%, so no pastels.
I welcome any help you can give!
I'm having a frustrating time trying to get div's to separate my potential page properly.
Background: The goal is to have a page that displays 6 looping image sets across the screen (truthfully, across 3 screens all landscape). I can get one looping set of images to display just fine, and it should be an easy manner to just copy it to other divs but it just isn't clicking for me.
http://ift.tt/1M3vr7Z ----> only files to open are wxlabmaps.html and maps.css, but the others are required for the looper to work.
Method: The page works great for one set of images, so i separated the page into 6 divs, all inline-block and put the jquery.flipbook in each one.
Results: It seems something is preventing the looping images to duplicate or treat the divs as separate entities.
Any assistance would be great.
I have to have multiple galleries for multiple sections of a client's webpage. I wasn't able to find any suitable replacement galleries and I couldn't find a good way to display the images with the style of the page as well as usability. I chose to use imgur embedded albums, and have found that they do not work on firefox.
I tested it with just the iframe alone in page and it worked, but with bootstrap, it does not.
<div class="modal fade bs-engineering-modal-lg" tabindex="-1" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title">Engineering Gallery</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://ift.tt/21UJ8b7; </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div><!-- /.modal-content --> </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> </div><!-- /.modal -->
Hello guys, I want to develop a java application with a front-end written in HTML5, the back-end in Java. It should be a standalone java application with an executable JAR. The user has to change some numbers and/or press a button on the screen (front-end), there is an algorithm working in java (back-end) and the user is able to see the result depending on which buttons/numbers he chose (front-end). So it is a small program. My problem right now is to connect the HTML front-end (like the buttons etc.) with the Java back-end. Has anyone some ideas? :)
P.S.: I am a beginner in Java.
I've been trying to find a decent photo gallery library that has pan-and-zoom page overlay on hover, that is also available on NPM or Bower. My search so far has come up with a number of jQuery plugins, but they seem to be either outdated, buggy, or doesn't quite do the job. Any suggestions?
Making a website for a metal fabrication business and i'd really like to make it as close as possible to this
I'm using X-theme, what would I need to do to make it similar?
I've been rereading Rich Dad Poor Dad after many years and it made me wonder what an asset would be to a designer.
Generally speaking, an asset is something that makes money for you with little to no involvement from yourself. To me, that basically sounded like all these passive income posts I see from time to time: "I make $XXXX a month from AdWords", " I earned $XXX from RedBubble", "I sell templates and prints from my site". But are these considered assets? Or are they simply passive income side projects?
I always thought to myself, " Hey, if I can create at least 1000 relevant designs on RedBubble, I'm sure I can consistently net a tidy profit just by sheer volume alone." But this is probably a terrible idea now that I think about it.
So what is an asset to a designer? Does it exist?
I've gotten an issue on my website that is very simple but i can't seem to figure it out.
The issue im currently having is,
I am wanting to direct link videos on my site. They are MP4 files and have the following code
<a href="http://ift.tt/1ZN9wUU; class="button">Click Here To Watch</a>
What ends up happening is the video downloads instead of plays. I want it to play in all browsers and even mobile devices. It works fine on Android because it handles it and plays it.
Please let me know what i've done wrong. Appreciate it
A non-designer here. I've been thinking of a geometric design for quite a while now. I want to make a Penrose Isogonal Hexagram.
I want to fuse this isogonal hexagram and a Penrose triangle.
This design boggles my mind and I'm having trouble wrapping my feeble brain around this. Do you know of any examples or tools to help me with this?
Hey everyone,
We are looking for a design/designer for our new website but we have some trouble finding a good central source for this. (Note: just the design not the coding)
We would prefer not to use 99designs or similar contest sites as fear they may be populated by non-designers offering slightly modified standard templates.
The other recommendation I've seen is to browse the portfolio websites and contacting individual designers. That seems like a very inconvenient way of connecting designers with clients.
Ideally we would like something like upwork/freelancer but for designers where we post a brief and get estimates or quotes from proven designers. I know upwork has designer categories, but basically anybody can join so it may be hard to connect to decent designers. Does a 'moderated' version of such freelancer sites exist or should we just try our luck on upwork?
If we should go about this another way that advice would be welcome too...
Thanks for any help!
Hi everyone first time posting here Ive got a question to all you designpros:
I have to create a poster which has the measurment of 120cm x 60cm and I would like to know the best DPI and resolution for it. Ive searched a bit on the internet but it was mostly very complicated stuff about different dpis on different distances. So this poster I/we create will be printed out and will hang in a big mall. So if anyone could help me out here with a response I'd be very thankfull :) see you guys soon :D
EDIT: I should tell you that people might look at it from a distance of 2meters. :)
The point is that the Digital tutors have a wide range of programs to learn, but I think a person can get lost in the midst of so much information, it may not happen with cgcookie to be a more focused site in certain programs such as Blender and Photoshop. DigitalTutors costs 29$/month and CGcookie costs 23$/month.
I ask this question here in case someone appears who has tried both. Thank you
I know you can host your HTML portfolio on WordPress but where do you go to host your CSS or JavaScript portfolios? People keep asking for my portfolio but I don't have a base to host them on.
Preferably a hotel reviews site
I am very interested in this kind of style: http://ift.tt/1SovaJu
Are there any tutorials for this style? Or what is it called?
I'm trying to add content to the main area however for some reason it's not working. I have the h4 tag after the sidebar menu, shouldn't the h4 tag be in the main area? I used someone else code as reference. I have inserted code after the sidebar. Help would be appreciated.