Wednesday 30 March 2016

Why am I having such a HARD time getting a grasp on JavaScript?

Some background: I'm a college student who has been constantly learning web dev and design in the last year. In fairly proficient in HTML and CSS(and even use strictly sass now) but have had an immensely hard time getting a grasp on JS and its syntax. I know that time will develop my skill, but I feel like everything I try to learn bounces off my head because of its difficulty(in my eyes). Anybody else have problems switching from a markup language like HTML to an actual OO language like js? Also, any simple tutorials that might help me understand a "real world" application(something that would be used on a site)? Much love

Epic visual tool

Epson 5030UB 2D/3D 1080p 3LCD Projector Submitted March 30, 2016 at 10:45AM by StillLetto

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