Wednesday 10 August 2016

how did you face procrastination?

Any tips or tricks you guys have for unmotivated students? I had a pretty rough semester, taking all my advanced studio courses, trying to graduate on time and ended up not being able to.

Now I only have 1 class next semester and a good bit of free time. However, perhaps I feel as if I worked myself so hard that semester my drive to design, create, etc. has diminished insanely? It feels weird saying this with full awareness and not really being able to fix it.

I still have the passion, I just keep getting that, "I'll get to it later" attitude when I know now is the best time for anything. I did just buy The Power of Now, so hopefully that helps once I get it.

Do you just take a break?

Find a side hobby?

Force yourself to begin a project?

Thanks for any suggestions!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 10, 2016 at 05:51PM by openedmilk

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