Friday 12 August 2016

Project Management Software: What's the best you've Worked with?

Hi r/Design!

I currently work for a hotel resort & casino as the web developer / designer / graphic artist / digital marketing specialist / analyst / email marketer / DB manager / whatever the hell they assume anyone can do in 10 minutes and it's gotta be done yesterday.

(I'm certain that there are others out there with similar roles. ;)

The department is a little... fractured, and our process is extremely outdated and confusing. Nobody seems to have the information they need for the tasks they are asked to accomplish, communication is non-existent, and our assets, file structure, and general workflow is a bit of a nightmare.

I'm not here to air grievances however, I'm here to ask you guys what project management software you have used, and which ones you really liked. I have looked at Basecamp, and used ZoHo in the past, but I thought that there are probably a lot of opinions here that would be valuable.

The one thing I don't seem to see anywhere is, I would like one that has a 'client' level user, and at certain stages in the project, a designer can submit it to a 'client' for approval, and when they approve it, the project gets stamped as approved and both parties, designer and client, can see it. I don't want that 'client' to see anything else in the process though, just submissions for approval.

If I'm in the wrong sub, I apologize and would love to be pointed in the right direction for a question like this.


Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 13, 2016 at 01:03AM by Dyavin

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