Sunday 14 August 2016

This company 100% stole my design and then told me it was a huge coincidence.

So about a month ago, I started my first e-commerce site selling these bumper stickers that say "Neither One 2016 - CAUSE OMG WTF NOOOOO".

They're selling like hot cakes - I'm even out of stock right now. Then someone sent me an Amazon link to someone who recreated my design almost to a tee.

I then went to their Facebook page and commented that they completely stole this design.

They then commented back saying:

"Our designs are very similar and I'm sorry you feel that I stole that from you. It was not intentional. Someone messaged me asking me to make this because they had been trying to find something similar and buy it for awhile. I spent a lot of time making it look the way I liked and listed it. Is there a place where people can purchase yours? I'd have no problem sending people your way if they send me a photo of your actual sticker. I spent a lot of time on this so I have no plan to remove it but I don't go looking for other people's designs just to take."

They then deleted this entire comment chain BUT HERE IS A SCREENCAP!

Here's the two designs:

My Bumper Sticker

My Website

Here is "World Factory Design's" Sticker

Facebook posts HERE and HERE

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 14, 2016 at 07:56PM by TreasureTrolls

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