Thursday 11 August 2016

Urgent Issue Regarding Exporting .ai Files which contain Shapes using Color Burn Blending Mode and Graphic Pen Sketch Effects

I have a very serious issue I cannot seem to solve. I've designed a poster for print and mistakenly designed it in RGB due to just plain old oversight. I finished the design and figured it wouldn't be too major of an issue, it would just affect the colors which I could live with. I was very wrong. The style I used utilizes the Sketch > Graphic pen filter and Color Burn blending mode to create a semitone pointillism shading effect. For some reason, converting the file to CMYK totally messed with the shading, although I'm not entirely sure why. I tried many things to fix this, but could not find a way that worked. I abandoned the idea of print and figured if I had spent time on this I might as well just continue designing it for web use as opposed to abandoning the design altogether. So I finished the design and was extremely happy with the outcome. When I went to save the .ai file as a JPEG, however, this happened. On top is a screengrab of what it looked like in Illustrator, and the bottom is what it looked like when exported. I tried exporting it as both a JPEG and PNG and neither were better than the other. I tried to rasterize the image to see if that could be the issue, and the same thing occured. I tried sending the .ai file to a friend to see if he could figure something out, and when sent through email, the same corruption happened. I'm in some serious need of help right now, as it's currently looking like I'm just going to have to redesign this in CMYK, which I suppose I'm OK with, it would just be a tremendous waste of time. Thank you very much for your help!

Great design resource

100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Voices That Matter) Submitted August 12, 2016 at 06:00AM by Brickspace

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